Home of the 1990 Injuns

Welcome to the reunion web site for Lemont Township High School Class of 1990


In 1986, we walked into high school as nervous freshman and in 1990 we walked out as confident graduates.  High School brought different experiences for each one of us.  Whether it was helping each other out in Ms. Glass's class, wasting each other's book (which we're pretty sure would be considered assault these days), partaking in Dan O'Neill's scavenger hunt or being the first class to get "Locked In" and then cheering Mike Larkins for winning a Ford Fiesta car, those 4 years helped us become the individuals we are today.  However nervous we were, our class came in and left its mark. Our Freshman class was the first class ever to win homecoming and then we turned around and won it the next 3 years completing the "Sweep".  Our class always came together, so let's come together now.  Let’s celebrate the passing of twenty years. After all, we’ve left our big hair & acid wash jeans behind and experienced life!  Over these last 20 years, we've all had varied experiences that have made each one of us that much more interesting Let’s remind ourselves of those carefree days, we didn’t fully appreciate and let’s share the people we’ve become. Let’s rekindle friendships, while finding commonalities we share with people we never really knew in high school.  We hope to see you all there!

Your 20 year Re-Union Coordinators,

Fay (Romanowski) Hensley and Kelly (Dostal) Rojas


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